Getting Here

Directions and GPS Directions to:
Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park
201 Gipsy Trail Road
Carmel, NY 1051

By Car:

Directions From the Taconic Parkway:
Take exit Carmel / Cold Spring and follow Route 301 East for 10 miles. Turn left onto Gipsy Trail Road (last left turn before causeway across reservoir) follow Gipsy Trail Rd. for 1 mile and turn left into Park

Directions From I-84:
Take exit 19 Carmel and turn right onto Route 312. Follow Route 312 to the end, turn right onto Route 6 towards Carmel and follow it for about 2.5 miles. At the intersection with Route 52 turn right and follow 52 for 0.25 miles (next traffic light) Turn left onto Route 301 and follow it for about 1 mile, after crossing the reservoir causeway turn immediately right onto Gipsy Trail Road follow Gipsy Trail Rd. for 1 mi. and turn left into Park